Political Organisation Of The Countries Of The EU
POLITICAL ORGANISATION OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE EU GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To understand the political systems of the European countries. To identify the main differences between Europe’s different political systems Contents The systems of government of the EU can be divided...
Transport Networks In Europe
TRANSPORT NETWORKS IN EUROPE GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To know the objectives and principles that determine European transport policy To identify the main transport corridors for the EU. To understand the need for sustainable transport. Contents The EU has had a common...
POPULATION GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To discover the main tendencies and challenges which have affected the population of Europe. To understand the need for immigration for the future of the EU. To understand the main characteristics of the immigrant population living in the...
The Institutions Of The EU
THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE EU HISTORY Specific Objectives and Competences To recognise the main institutions of the EU, their locations and functions. To understand the roles of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the EU Council in the decision-making process. To understand how...
European Neighbourhood Policy
EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To know how the EU structures its relations with its closest neighbours. To discover the projects or areas of interest on which these types of associations are based. Contents The European Neighbourhood Policy...
The Fall Of The Berlin Wall And The Reunification Of Germany
THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL AND THE REUNIFICATION OF GERMANY HISTORY Specific Objectives and Competences To understand the importance that the end of the separation of Germany had for Europe. To understand the logic of international relations during the Cold War period. To verify the difference in...
Trade Policy
TRADE POLICY ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To know the importance of the EU as a trading bloc. To understand present tendencies in international trade. To identify the main points of conflict in international trade. Contents The trade policy is one of the exclusive competences of the...
The Founding Fathers of the EU
THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE EU HISTORY Specific Objectives and Competences To know about the generation of politicians who made it possible to undertake the process of European construction. To know about the type of model for integration that was used at the beginning of the process of European...
THE EURO ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To know the origin of the single currency and which countries form part of it. To understand the principles which govern the monetary policy of the euro area. To understand the role of the ECB as the coordinator of monetary policy within the...
The EU Budget
THE EU BUDGET ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To understand how the community budget is made up. To know the main items of expenditure in the budget and their evolution over time. To identify the objectives that guide the development of the EU budget. Contents The EU budget covers a...
Common Fisheries Policy
COMMON FISHERIES POLICY GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To know how to regulate the EU fisheries sector. To understand the main problems facing the fisheries sector at both the EU and global scales. To identify the potential of the aquaculture sector in the EU. Contents The...
ENLARGEMENTS HISTORY Specific Objectives and Competences To distinguish the different phases of enlargement that the EU has passed through, which countries have been involved in each phase and which countries are currently in the process of joining the EU. Which countries entered the EU in each of...
Models Of The Welfare State In Europe
MODELS OF THE WELFARE STATE IN EUROPE ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To know the origins and the foundations of the welfare state in Europe. To know the different models for the welfare state in Europe. To identify current problems for maintaining the system of social protection....
Common Agricultural Policy
COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To know how the EU supports its food producers. To understand the principles and objectives of the CAP. To understand how public policies that support the agricultural sector affect international trade Contents The Common...
Secessionist Tensions Within The EU
SECESSIONIST TENSIONS WITHIN THE EU GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To identify regions that could potentially seek to become new EU states. To understand what lies behind the secessionist movements within the EU. To understand the possible positive and negative effects of...
Energy Policy
ENERGY POLICY ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To understand the priorities and objectives of the energy policy of the EU. To understand the importance of the need to reduce the energy dependence of the EU Contents Energy policy forms part of the competences that are shared between the...
The Regional Policy Of The EU
THE REGIONAL POLICY OF THE EU GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To know the main funds destined to regional policy. To understand the criteria for granting aid from the EU’s cohesion funds. Contents The regional policy of the EU, which is also referred to as its Cohesion Policy, aims...
Types Of Economic Integration
TYPES OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION ECONOMY Specific Objectives and Competences To identify the different processes of regional integration. To understand the different types of regional integration that have been observed until now. Contents The European Union is not the only international organisation...
Sustainable Development
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GEOGRAPHY Specific Objectives and Competences To understand the concept of sustainable development. To know the principles on which the EU has based its policy of sustainable development. Contents Sustainable development is a transversal objective that has implications for...