• Contents

    • Whereas the European institutions are concentrated in Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasburg and Frankfurt, there is another level of administration (agencies) which is present in a large number of European cites. This is a response to the EU’s desire to decentralise its governance and to bring the EU closer to all of its member states.
    • A European agency is a legally constituted European public body with its own legal personality. These agencies have been created by the EU with the aim of carrying out a technical, scientific or management mission relating to a specific area.
    • They are also known as decentralised agencies and respond to the desire of the EU to reduce the geographical concentration of EU activity. They can be divided into different types according to their filed of action:
      • Sectorial agencies.
      • Agencies for the Common Security and Defence Policy.
    • There are also what are known as Executive Agencies which have been created to manage the programmes that receive EU financing.
    • Finally, there are the Euroatom Agencies, which were created to support the objectives laid down in this treaty.


12-15  Europe in space (bg, da, et, cs, de, el, es, en, fr, it, lv, lt, hu, mt, nl, pl, pt, ro, sl, sk, fi, sv, 2’00’’)

>15  The European agencies and conflicts of interest (en with subtitles in bg, da, et, cs, de, el, es, en, fr, ga, it, lv, lt, hu, mt, nl, pl, pt, ro, sl, sk, fi, sv)

>15  The European Food Safety Agency and conflicts of interest (fr, en, 3’04’’)

>15  Speech by a member of the European Parliament against the European agencies (en, 1’25’’)

>15  Presentation of the European Space Agency (en, 4’08’’)

>15  About the need to invest in the space industry (en, 4’00’’)

External Link

>15  EU agencies (bg, da, et, cs, de, el, es, en, fr, ga, it, lv, lt, hu, mt, nl, pl, pt, ro, sl, sk, fi, sv)