• Contents

    • To face up to the demographic challenge facing the EU, it is necessary to establish quotas on the arrival of migration from outside the EU.
    • The combination of the fall in the fertility rate and the increase in life expectancy means that in around 40 years’ time the ratio of workers to retired people will be 4:3. This relationship is totally unsustainable if we want to guarantee the current levels of social protection.
    • To face up to the challenge posed by immigration, it be necessary to devise a common immigration policy for the whole of the EU capable of anticipating the needs of the labour market and attracting the best possible human capital.
    • The present profile of immigrants coming to the EU:
      • In 2012, the immigrant population form countries outside the EU represented 4% of the total population.
      • A slight majority of immigrants are male: 52.1% of the total. Their average age is 34.7.
      • The largest group of immigrants who reside in EU territory come from other European countries: 38.5%. The next group is formed by immigrants from Africa: 24.5%; then come immigrants from Asia (22%), America (14.2%) and Oceania (0.8%).
      • If we consider the Human Development Index (HDI) of the countries of origin of the immigrants who reside in the EU, we find that 48.3% come from countries with an average HDI, while 44.2% are from countries with a high HDI. The other 7.6% come from countries with a low HDI.


After reading the chapter entitled “European demographic tendencies are becoming consolidated” discuss the negative effects that immigration to the EU could have on the countries of origin

What could be done to prevent the negative effects of immigration on the countries of origin?

In the following article In the U.S., Acceptance; in Europe, Ghettos” analyse the differences in the integration of immigrants in Europe and the USA.

Discuss the reasons for these differences in the level of integration of immigrants in these societies